Auditor for EN 9100/9110/9120

AQMS Auditors seeking authentication are required to meet the guidelines identified in ISO 19011 (section 7.4) and shall possess a combination of audit experience, AQMS training, Industry Specific training (as applicable), and Work Experience relative to an AQMS standard, as defined in the EN 9104-003.

Remark: Sectors may use other names for ‘Auditor’, Aerospace Auditor’ (AA) and ‘Aerospace Experience Auditor’ (AEA) as long as the requirements of EN 9104 are applied.

Definitions i.a.w. EN 9104-003:

  • Aerospace Auditor (AA)
  • Aerospace Experience Auditor (AEA)


Requirements for Aerospace Experience Auditors regarding EN 9100/9110/9120:
  1. IAQG-Standard, Basis EN 9104 and EN9104-003 (Europe)
  2. Authentication request to the national AAB with general data, work experience in the aerospace industry and Audit Log (for this files please contact the AAI-Office)
  3. Authentication necessary for each AQMS-Standard (EN9100, EN9110, EN9120)
  4. Approval from the national RMS
  5. Authentication shall be valid for a period of 3 years
  6. Authentication shall be entered in the OASIS-Database


DOWNLOAD the Aerospace Auditor Authentication Application Form (issue 8)